content="Shawn Banks - Illustrator Designer"

S M I T H S O N I A N 
A F R I C A N 
A M E R I C A N 
F I L M  F E S T I V A L 
( S A A F F ) 

Branding System, Ticket & Poster Concepts

The Future of Film

The Smithsonian African American Film Festival was held in October 2018 at the National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC). An ode to the past, present, and future African American filmmakers and their work; this event is a huge cultural statement for black cinema & history as a whole. My former design team at Forum One was commissioned to create a website detailing the fest along with an accompanying brand system. The goal was to invite the target audience to indulge in an inspirational experience that strongly communicated black excellence, honor, dignity, and recognition. Inspired by a thematic “Black Oscar’s” aesthetic, we created a slew of branding materials. The following are a selection of pieces from the conceptualization phase into its finalization.